Imidacloprid 10% WP
    Publish time 2023-03-23 16:50    
Imidacloprid 10% WP

Common name: Imidacloprid 10% WP

IUPAC name: (E)-1-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-N-nitroimidazolidin-2-ylideneamine

Chemical formula: C9H10ClN5O2

Molecular mass (g mol-1): 255.66

Registration certification No.in China: PD20101626


Appearance: Off-white Powder

Melting Point: Not Available

Boiling Point: Not Available

Mode of action:. Systemic with contact and stomach action. Acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist.

Application:. It can be used to control sucking insects, including planthoppers, aphids, thrips and whitefly. Also effective against soil insects, termites and some species of biting insects, such as rice water weevil and Colorado beetle. Has no effect on nematodes and spider mites. Used as a seed dressing, as soil treatment and as foliar treatment in different crops, e.g. rice, cotton, cereals, maize, sugar beet, potatoes, vegetables, citrus fruit, pome fruit and stone fruit.

Specification for Imidacloprid 10% WP




Off-white Powder

Active ingredient, %           


Wetting time, s            


Suspensibility, %            




Wet sieve test (through 45μm test sieve), % 


Stability at 0°C


Stability at 54 ± 2oC for 14 days


Packing: In 25Kg/Bag or small package according to customer’s requirement.

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